Health Education Program 2021-2022: from preschool to high school, the health education program aims to provide health education, protection of students’ health and prevention of risky behavior (see more).
Puberty: My changing body!

Hygiene and Dental Health
As part of the School Health Program, the school nurse conducted a virtual session for elementary students on nthe theme: "Health and tooth brushing"
Sleep Hygiene
Good Quality Sleep is fundamental for the physical, psychological and cognitive development of the child.
Food hygiene in collaboration with the Collège Protestant Français of Beirut
Mrs. Rindalla BERRO, responsible of prevention, solidarity and mediation at the Collège Protestant Français of Beirut, animated a session on food hygiene for preschool students, an important topic because health, well-being and academic success are closely linked.
As part of the Prevention Program, the next two presentations will focus on: Personal hygiene, and sleep and the screen.
Hygiene and Dental Health: The school, an essential and effective place
Intervention of the orthodontist Mrs. Rachelle Mouchantaf at the Primary school, for the adoption of good oral health practices.