
Career Orientation Program - COP

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Career Orientation Program - COP

CPF Montana has established a Career Orientation Program (COP) through which all partners – parents, educators, school orientation counselor – contribute to the preparation of a successful post-secondary education for each of our High School students.


What is COP?

The goal of the COP is to guide High School Students through a process of exploration and preparation to ensure a proper transition to the post-secondary pathway. The process involves self-exploration, academic-exploration, college-exploration, and career-exploration. The COP process and plan allow students and their parents to personalize the education experience in collaboration with the School Counselor and Educators. 


What is the role of the School Orientation Counselor?

The School Orientation Counselor provides guidance and support to each student allowing him/her to explore interests, careers, colleges, scholarship, and more.


What can you do as parent?

As a major partner in your son/daughter’s education, you are hereby invited to engage in the COP process to help your son/daughter reach the post-secondary education and career goal successfully . Hence, if you wish to set an appointment to further discuss your son/daughter’s COP, kindly contact the School Orientation Counselor by email on the following address rania.elghazalstephan@cpf.edu.lb or by phone at 04 914 005 / 6.


Commitment to quality future!